Statements from President Crow

Statement from ASU President Michael M. Crow: Online classes extended through the end of the spring semester

March 16, 2020

With new guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Arizona Department of Health Services, ASU has made the decision to extend online classes through the end of the Spring semester.

We are already in this mode and off to a great start with more than 14,000 classes being offered online. Details on continued online instruction for students will be communicated by faculty directly to students.

University housing will remain open for those who must stay and essential services will continue to be provided to students who remain with us on campus.

Although this shift in learning has been extended, the university continues to remain open. This includes computer labs, libraries, food service, health clinics, counseling services, research labs and all other aspects of the university.

The university has already canceled all public events on campus that are not directly related to the teaching and research mission of the university.

Additional instructions related to remote working for ASU employees will be provided later today.